GINspiration Cocktail Class at Commellinni Estate

Commellini Estate 14715 N. Dartford Dr. Spokane, WA, Spokane, WA, United States

Our spring cocktail class is about gin: the origins, the journey, and once to America, its prominence in American cocktail culture. And, of course, the drinks.


Tequila Cocktail Class

Hogwash Whiskey Den 304 W. Pacific Ave, Spokane, WA, United States

A Cinco de Mayo celebration screams tequila. Our May class is about this popular spirit and the journey to America.


August Camp Cocktail Class: Cocktail Time at the World’s Fair

Hogwash Whiskey Den 304 W. Pacific Ave, Spokane, WA, United States

The final 2024 Camp Cocktail Class is on August 25th. Explore the World's Fairs by making, sipping, and learning about the drinks served and celebrated at the fairs.


The Cocktail: A Biography – November Cocktail Class

Hogwash Whiskey Den 304 W. Pacific Ave, Spokane, WA, United States

SOLD OUT! Thank you for your continued support! The Hogwash Whiskey Den and Raising the Bar team is excited to present a unique experience at our November cocktail class. Join us on Nov. 3rd at Hogwash Whiskey Den as we take a biographical look at the cocktail. The cocktail is more than dates and names […]